Hong Kong Tech Phooey

a tech junkie from Hong Kong

Can Tech Save Lives – Manila Hostage Crisis

Six days after the Manila hostage crisis.

Eight Hong Kong residents died in the incident.

Six days later, 80,000 Hong Kong people took it to the streets demanding answers from the Philippine Government.

As a tech blogger who’s been brought up watching movies like “SWAT” and “Speed”, one has to wonder why the Philippine SWAT team was not deployed and why the Manila Police Department was so ill-equipped.

Explosive charges or frame charges could be used to smash the windows, sub-machine guns like MP5s should be used in close quarter combat instead of pistols and assault rifles. Any jamming device that can knock out the TV live broadcast of the events on the bus would help….and the list goes on and on. We are not talking about rocket science here but any police force in a metropolitan city should at least have the right equipment and the right training to serve and protect.

Shame, real shame.

Should any police force or SWAT team need more info, they can start searching on YouTube cause YouTube has it all.

Source – rammstein99835, dhkchannel, JAWSHorTEASE

August 29, 2010 - Posted by | Blogroll, Hong Kong, News Related | ,


  1. Considering the general state of shit that is most official agencies of the Philippines, I’d say that this all ended quite well. HK is overreacting to the actions of a madman and is using the Filipino government as a scapegoat for their anger.

    Comment by Lina | August 30, 2010 | Reply

  2. remember me?

    how’s it hanging?

    Comment by spidy | September 2, 2010 | Reply

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