Hong Kong Tech Phooey

a tech junkie from Hong Kong

Gaming Review – inFamous

Superhero games. In the gaming market today, superhero games with enough appeal and success could possibly mean the beginning of a new gaming franchise. There are the original ones where they seem to surprise you more and more, one example being Batman and the new Arkham Asylum installation is a good example. Then there are the superhero games based on movies and modern day projections of a classic hero, which has disappointed so far, just look at X-Men: Wolverine. Then there is the new generation of highly engaging hero simulations, and inFamous might as well be at the top of the list.

Image from GameSpot

Image from GameSpot

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August 15, 2009 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

The Sims 3 Review


Image from theSims3.com

Sims, the one gaming dynasty that won’t give in, and EA delivers in the newest Sim game, Sims 3. Will this game live up to it’s predecessor’s reputation, or will it be a most likely forgotten chapter in the history of the Sims?

One positive note in this game is the newly improved neighborhood mode, where players can just zoom in and out of their houses and into the new neighborhood view, without tolerating long transition screens when the Sims move from one building to another. This function also allows more versatility in movement for Sims since with the open roads and bird-eye view mode, the car rides just seem a lot more interesting. The lots in the game also seem more blended into the environment, where in Sims 2 each house was like an isolated area from each family this game offers more freedom in relation to the transition from house to neighborhood.

Another positive thing about the game is maintaining most of the features from Sims 2 but introduce them in a completely different style. Careers in Sims 2 were just drive to work, work, end of work. Now in Sims 3, you have more sub-choices to choose during your work time, such as slacking off, meeting your co-workers and the good-old suck up to the boss. Another concept greatly introduced is the relationships bars for making friends. In Sims 2, you could literally make someone go from an acquaintance to being your best friend in 1 day in game time. Now the bar moves at a more steady rate, no more 10 day friendships.

The sexual content in this game has not changed much from the previous games. Kissing and such is kept at an appropriate level in the game, not much references in the game are made towards sexual content. Violence in the game is also kept the same, with no physical confrontation more than hidden fights and pokes.

The one thing that this game lacks is an attractive environment that would draw the user completely into the game. The graphics just aren’t that amazing, not the graphics that make you feel you are inside the game, right in the shoes of the very Sim you are controlling. Compared to the environment in the Sims 2 game, the graphics look a little more roughed than the skin and environment of the previous game.

Graphics: The graphical engine is Sims 3 is nothing to be amazed with, but with a game riding on this much reputation and expectations of an excellent Sim game, the graphics are a disappointment.

Gameplay: The new neighborhood mode keeps gameplay streamlined instead of enduring long loading screens. The gameplay now also allows more decisions to be made in the Sim’s lives, making the player feel more involved with their Sim’s lives than before.

Sexual/Violence content: For a Sim game, the Sims 3 offers no new progressions in romantic areas and the violence in the games are still just two Sims going at it in a big cloud of dust that covers everything.

New features: Sims 3 literally takes the old game and turns everything new and exotic by using the exact same features. The new relationship bars and the increased interaction with the Sims and outside environments feels as if the player is inside the screen.

Overall, this is an extraordinary game, one that is worthy to live up to the reputation of the “Sims” franchise, with every new generation bringing something new to the table. Needless to say, Sims 3 is the one that has truly shocked and awed.

Final Grade: A-

June 30, 2009 Posted by | Gaming, Gaming Related, Review | , | Leave a comment

Review – Godfather II (the game) – Don’t Bother

The Godfather is probably a franchise well known to many people, but what is not well known is the franchise’s attempt at creating a video game of the story, and for good reason.

The most outstanding problem in this game, was probably the graphics. One should expected a lot more from EA with our next-gen graphic systems, maybe more detailed and smoothed graphics for the clothes, make the screen look more vintage, but this just looks like GTA transported back to the 1920’s without the deep story to absorb and the sandbox gameplay.

“Oh yes, it makes perfect sense for the Don of NY to jack cars of the street in broad daylight.” (image from http://www.badassgamerblog.com)

“Oh yes, it makes perfect sense for the Don of NY to jack cars of the street in broad daylight.” (image from http://www.badassgamerblog.com)

Another problem is the AI. The AI for enemy guards and made men are about as useful as water pistols in a fire-fight. The passive AI will either charge AT you and your made men alone or they will take cover in almost impossible to shoot locations, making regular gunfights pretty tedious. Not only will the AI continuously test your patience in the showdowns, but so will your weapons. The ridiculously small ammo clip means alternating guns every 3 minutes to conserve what’s left of your ammo. Don’t expect the enemies to help you, even the ammo they drop are meager in number, sometime dropping only 10 Tommy Gun rounds after you unleashed maybe 100 to kill them.

“Where’s your cover now, HUH?” (image from http://www.gamespot.com)

“Where’s your cover now, HUH?” (image from http://www.gamespot.com)

The interface of the game is surprisingly good, despite the unappealing graphics. The designers make a great effort mimicking Soprano NY and a post-WWI Cuba quite appealing to the eye, even if it is well, blurry. NPC’s on the street just make this game too interesting, with every different person having a programmed line to say every time he or she passes Dominic, and one will hear their fair share of 20’s lingo. There is obviously violence in this game, but nothing like blood spraying everywhere whenever you shotgun a guard, just some occasional blood spurts when kneeing a beat-down target. Despite the reputation of a more ruthless and sinister type of gang warfare, Saints Row epic street fighting and GTA free-form gunning will easily trump Godfather in terms of how ruthless you kill someone.

“Nothing beats blowing up the enemy compound at the end of the day.” (image from http://www.gamespot.com)

“Nothing beats blowing up the enemy compound at the end of the day.” (image from http://www.gamespot.com)

Comparing to the other two criminal game giants that take form of a heavily gang oriented Saints Row and an extremely freeform sandbox in GTA, Godfather is most definitely the underdog. The Row just offers so many possibilities, with the extremely comfortable gameplay from wreaking havoc in the urban areas to locating stunt jumps that will literally shoot you from one end of the highway to the other. GTA itself is the original game for crime, and with each new generation gives the player more and more freedom to shape the city anyway they want, something Godfather II lacks greatly.

“For almost the fiftieth time, GET IN COVER!!!” (image from http://www.gamespot.com)

“For almost the fiftieth time, GET IN COVER!!!” (image from http://www.gamespot.com)

When it comes down to it, Godfather II is a game that has a good foundation concept, but need MAJOR work on it to really shock and awe gamers, especially this VERY disappointed one. If you want to test it out yourself, just borrow it from a friend or rent it from a local game store, because this is not worth the US$59.99. Just try harder next time EA, because you probably weren’t expecting this, a 2 out of 5.

Source – Gamespot, BadAssGamerBlog

May 6, 2009 Posted by | Gadgets n Gizmos, Gaming, Review | , , , | Leave a comment